Why do some people succeed at change while others fail? It’s the way they think! Liminal thinking is the art of creating change by understanding, shaping, and reframing beliefs. What beliefs are stopping you right now?
You have a choice. You can create the world you want or live in a world created by others. If you are ready to stop making excuses and start making changes, read on.
No matter who you are or what your situation is, some change is always possible. If there’s a situation in the world you want to change, liminal thinking can help.
Beliefs form the basis of everything people say, think, and do. When people change their beliefs, they change their behavior, which changes their lives.
Liminal thinking is a set of skills that anyone can learn.
You do not need any formal authority, budget, or official sanction to practice liminal thinking. If you can learn six principles and nine practices, you will be able to to minimize reality distortion, improve understanding, and open up new possibilities for positive change in your work and life.

The word liminal comes from a Latin root that means threshold. Literally a threshold is a doorway. But a threshold is also the beginning of every journey. A threshold is a boundary that marks a point of transition between one state and another.
Liminal thinking is the art of finding, creating and using thresholds to create change. It is a kind of mindfulness that enables you to create positive change.
The nine practices of liminal thinking can be summarized as three simple precepts:
1. Get in touch with your ignorance.
2. Seek understanding.
3. Do something different.
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